Welcome to our weekly roundup of the happenings in the world of ReFi. If you'd like your project news to appear in these posts, submit it here! If you have something else you think should be included in a future post, reach out on X at @carboncopy_refi or via email at hello@carboncopy.news.

The State of ReFi Report

Maya Dentzel and Tereza Bízková put together an excellent summary of the report:

Breaking Down "The State of ReFi" 2024 Report

The home for web3 publishing.


Download the full report.

Project News


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Biodiversity: Everything You Need to Know - EcoWatch

Polar bears, honeybees, mango trees and coral reefs are all examples of the countless animal and insect species, plant life and ecosystems that comprise the planet's vast biodiversity. Every livi...


ReFi in the News




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