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ReFi in the News

Crypto Trends to Watch For in 2024 - The Street


Core Carbon Principles | Integrity for carbon credits

The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) launched the hotly anticipated Core Carbon Principles (CCPs). They define a common understanding of what makes a high-integrity carbon cre...


Carbon Emissions Token (CET) Protocol - Version for Public Comment

The InterWork Alliance (IWA), an initiative of the Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), empowers organizations to adopt and use token-powered services in their day-to-day operations, across use ...



I love #web3 because it’s a Schelling point for badasses who’ve woken up to the violence and collapse of our current systems and are contributing to real solutions.

No, I’m not talking about meme coins and NFT flippers

I’m talking about the real ones.
Do you want to pump memecoins for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with us and change the world?

Disclaimer: None of the content in this post construes endorsement by CARBON Copy.