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WaterLAB is a decentralized national water laboratory for the research and development of advanced desalination and regenerative water.

WaterDAO, also known as Water Information Certification Systems DAO LLC, is a Wyoming registered entity autonomously managed through smart contracts. It aims to facilitate Voluntary Water Markets by establishing a standardized protocol, called RH2O (Regenerative Water) for classifying and measuring the beneficial attributes of regenerative water sources. RH2O serves as a digital smart water contract conveying ownership over the positive impacts of regenerative water, starting with Solar Desalination in California. These certified water credits, known as RH2O-Class I, are generated from verified water units produced from certified sources. WaterDAO autonomously manages RH2O classification and certification, making water information publicly accessible through smart contracts. As a decentralized organization, it receives proposals and issues credits to qualified water projects. WaterDAO generates income by sponsoring impactful water research to unlock voluntary water markets and establishing strategic partnerships to promote decentralized water management.


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Aaron Mandell

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