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The Savimbo project is an interchange for fair-trade carbon offsets that provides buyers direct access to the people who are doing the work to preserve rainforests.

The project began when five medicine doctors, and a community organization of smallfarmer conservationists, asked a strange tech company of delinquent savants to help them stop the logging on their lands. We found a way. Our for-profit arm is solely focused on fair trade for climate products. The regions we work in have only really had direct trade with extractive global economies (mining, logging, and petroleum). We want to offer them direct trade with better business partners, for superfood crops, ecotourism, and climate credits like carbon, biodiversity, and water conservation. We work in regions that have either been marginalized for centuries, or excluded from markets because they refused to accept colonialist partnerships. These communities are proud and don’t want a relationship of dependency, but some of their needs to work with us are very personal and fall outside of business and under the realm of pure compassion. Savimbo operates under the active guidance and advice of four traditional leaders in the Colombian Amazon, taitas or medicine doctors who have a role as guardians and advisors for the region — smallfarmers and indigenous groups alike.


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Jhony Lopez
Fernando Lezama

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