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Oxygenchain is a decentralised protocol for recycling and waste treatment services.

Oxygen Chain addresses the pressing issue of untreated liquid waste polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans by proposing a solution that tackles two main challenges: lack of transparency and misaligned incentives in current environmental initiatives. The project aims to incentivize the monitoring of vital resources using real-time data collected through a variety of IoT sensors and flow rate meters. This data is then recorded immutably to create a transparent and accountable record of historical information. The Oxygen Chain rewards participants who demonstrate environmentally friendly practices by calculating the differences between incoming and outgoing readings. This rewards system encourages municipalities, industries, small companies, and property owners to comply with environmental regulations and showcase their commitment to sustainability. Participants who prove that their activities are not contributing to environmental contamination receive rewards, fostering a cycle of accountability, transparency, and efficiency in environmental stewardship. The Oxygen Chain leverages technology to empower individuals and organizations to actively contribute to environmental protection while incentivizing sustainable practices to benefit our planet and future generations.


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Daniel Ferreira

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