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Kokonut Network

Kokonut Network

Kokonut Network is building the infrastructure to connect Web3 with agriculture.

Kokonut Network was created with the aim of reducing the obstacles to agricultural development, rural project funding, and democratizing investment in real-world projects. We will use blockchain technology to establish multiple plantations across the country, providing advantages to the global crypto communities and everyone in the network. Coconut farming is a proven business that offers many potential benefits. From providing a reliable source of income for farmers to supplying a wide range of products for consumers, this industry has a lot to offer. Not only does it provide a steady source of income, but it also helps to strengthen the local economy and promote sustainable development. Coconut farming can also help protect the environment by providing an alternative to deforestation and reducing the use of pesticides. Furthermore, coconut farming can help to create jobs in rural areas, helping to reduce poverty and improve quality of life. With so many advantages, it is no wonder that coconut farming is a popular business choice. Kokonut DAO provides eco-friendly regenerative economics, open-source accounting, and immutable blockchain governance.


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Dominican Republic


Gnosis Chain  


Alejandro Adon (Wasabi)
Gerkery Soto
Juan Terrero
Antonio Santana
Orlando Amargos