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Filecoin Green

Filecoin Green

Filecoin Green aims to measure the environmental impacts of Filecoin and verifiably drive them below zero, building infrastructure along the way that allows anyone to make transparent and substantive environmental claims.

We're working to connect the whole network to renewable energy, allowing each individual Filecoin Storage Provider to publicly prove their source of electricity. - Energy use: We made Filecoin the world’s most transparent blockchain when it comes to electricity consumption. Use our dashboard and API to analyze the energy use of any node in the network. - Green scores: Look at detailed energy use data for nodes in the Filecoin network. - CO2.Storage: Use web3 tech to make auditable environmental claims. In addition to buying renewable energy from existing projects, we mobilized $35M of capital to build new US solar. This will generate more renewable electricity in a year than the network uses in the US, helping to decarbonize the power grid.


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CoinDesk | August 31, 2023

Save a Tree, Use Web3