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Arkreen is a Web3-powered digital infrastructure network for global distributed renewable energy resources.

Arkreen is the combination of Ark and (g)reen, meaning an ark aggregating and carrying green energy data to the future. Arkreen Network is a Web3-powered digital infrastructure for globally-distributed renewable energy resources connection and monetization to boost carbon-reduction applications. The Supply Side uses Arkreen Network to declare how much renewable electricity it generates, stores or consumes. The network rewards the participating suppliers for their contribution. The owners of solar photovoltaic equipment and the household that saves energy on demand are examples of such participants for Supply Side. The Demand Side uses Arkreen Network to access the electricity data and build applications and services (e.g., REC or Renewable Energy Certificate issuing and VPP or Virtual Power Plant) based on it. The REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) issuer, the VPP (Virtual Power Plant) operator and the Green Computation operator are examples of such participants for Demand Side.


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