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Anu Initiative

Anu Initiative

Anu Initiative is a community-driven organisation where anyone can transparently contribute to restoring Mother Nature.

Anu Initiative is a Company Limited by Guarantee (not-for-profit) incorporated in Dublin, Ireland. It was founded by nature lovers in an effort to harness the powers of cutting edge technologies to create a positive impact on the planet. The Anu Initiative aims to help heal the damage that actions like oil spills, forest fires, soil degradations, deforestation, etc. have on our environment and wildlife as well as offset the negative impact cryptocurrencies and other technologies have on the environment by providing resources to nature-focused charities around the world in a fully transparent manner. We designed an open-source platform that provides full transparency and accessibility to track all donations and contributions to the Anu Initiative’s Treasury all the way to Actual Impact generated by our trusty Impact Partners. Anyone with an internet connection can see how each cent collected in the Anu Initiative Treasury is being used, allowing for full transparency.


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Daniel Mihai

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