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Ama Earth Group

Ama Earth Group

Ama Earth Group is nature regeneration subscription service.

Ama Earth Group, headquartered in Puerto Rico and founded in 2023, emerged from a profound calling to heal our planet's ecosystems. The journey began with small yet impactful initiatives, including paid litter pickups that demonstrated the power of incentivizing climate-positive actions. At the core of Ama Earth Group's existence is a deep-seated mission: to heal nature around the globe. As the world's first Earth Development Company, we are dedicated to organizing and contributing to land-based projects that have a tangible, positive impact on the environment. We aim to rally communities around hyper-local climate projects, creating a powerful synergy between human efforts and the natural world. Ama Earth Group envisions a future where the harmony between humanity and nature is restored. Our vision, "Nature Regeneration," sees a world where climate change is reversed, and nature's balance is reestablished. Our ultimate goal is to establish a model of Regenerative Business, where enterprises serve both the community and the environment.


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Isiah Cruz

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